2007/09-2011/07 中南大学 湘雅医学院 医学信息 学士学位 2011/09-2014/07 北京大学 软件与微电子学院 软件工程 硕士学位 2015/09-2019/07 北京大学 信息科学技术学院 智能科学与技术 博士学位 2019/07-2020/07 南京航空航天大学 计算机科学与技术学院 讲师 2020/07-2023/06 澳门新葡平台网址8883入口 澳门新葡平台网址8883入口 助理研究员 2023/06-今 澳门新葡平台网址8883入口 澳门新葡平台网址8883入口 副教授
Zhouchen Lin, Huan Li and Cong Fang, Accelerated Optimization for Machine Learning-First-Order Algorithms. Springer, 2020.
Zhouchen Lin, Huan Li and Cong Fang, Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Machine Learning. Springer, 2022.
Huan Li and Zhouchen Lin, Accelerated Gradient Tracking over Time-varying Graphs for Decentralized Optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 25(274):1−52, 2024. (CCF A)
Huan Li and Zhouchen Lin, Restarted Nonconvex Accelerated Gradient Descent: No More Polylogarithmic Factor in the O(ϵ −7/4 ) Complexity. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 24(157):1−37, 2023. (CCF A. A short version appeared in ICML 2022)
Huan Li, Zhouchen Lin and Yongchun Fang, Variance Reduced EXTRA and DIGing and Their Optimal Acceleration for Strongly Convex Decentralized Optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 23(222):1-41, 2022. (CCF A)
Huan Li and Zhouchen Lin, On the Complexity Analysis of the Primal Solutions for the Accelerated Randomized Dual Coordinate Ascent. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 21(33):1-45, 2020. (CCF A)
Huan Li, Cong Fang and Zhouchen Lin, Accelerated First-Order Optimization Algorithms for Machine Learning. Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(11):2067-2082, 2020. (CCF A)
Huan Li and Zhouchen Lin, Revisiting EXTRA for Smooth Distributed Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT), 30(3):1795-1821, 2020.
Huan Li, Cong Fang, Wotao Yin and Zhouchen Lin, Decentralized Accelerated Gradient Methods With Increasing Penalty Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP), 68:4855-4870, 2020.
Huan Li and Zhouchen Lin, Accelerated Proximal Gradient Methods for Nonconvex Programming. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015. (CCF A)